Saturday, April 16, 2011

It's been quite the Winter!

Here is Monte on one of our nice days after school. He and Rascal were hunting for rabbits and birds that were migrating back!One of our snow days home from school. Front of house. Lake side of house the snow was blown into beautiful swirls and drifts kinda like desert snow but colder!!
Monte on top of the drift and blown snow covering our mailboxes! I have to add that our mailman rocks! He was kind enough to dig them out almost each time. We did go a couple of weeks with no mail delivery or it was delivered to Buffalo Lake restaurant along with our neighbors mail. We just had to go get it there!
This was one of the highlights of the season. It looks sunny here and open, but the next day we awoke to a wind storm and blowing snow. Tim followed me out and we both ended up stuck in each area. It took us over an hour and half to get out! Needless to say when I arrived at school around 9:30 that morning buses were out/stuck and school was dismissing at 11:30! Tim came up and plowed it open during a lull in the wind and I made it home with Monte around 5:30 that evening. Tim, however, couldn't make it up the Coteau (hwy 10) due to high winds, blowing snow, and low visibility. He ended up spending the night in Sisseton! Yes, we have quite the storm stories to tell from this winter!
Our Little Rascal! He's quite the trooper. His fur is thick and he's resilient to the elements! He loves it when Monte comes out to play!